REPL for Java

While JRubyBeanShellJulian Fleischer’s REPL are there Albert Latacz’s REPL seems to be the latest and active.

Tried it with a class definition (made the class look like this by design to try as many language elements as possible), works fine.

$ java -jar javarepl.jar
Welcome to JavaREPL version 56 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_17)
Type in expression to evaluate.
Type :help for more options.

java> public class Test {
    | public static void execute(String [] s) {
    |  System.out.println(54353 + s[0]);
    | }}

java> Test.execute(new String [] {"234343"});

java> System.exit(0);

 References: [StackOverFlow]

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